Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Athletic Director
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Fitness Consultant
  • Massage Therapist
  • Healthcare Aide
  • Orthopedic Technician
  • Personal Trainer
  • Recreation and Sports Director

For individuals who



Looking for


A major that prepares you for corporate, clinical and community settings, focusing on health and wellbeing.

To become


  • Fitness Trainer
  • 教练
  • Activity Specialist
  • Athletic Therapist
  • Gym Manager

Exercise Science 主要 Overview

ES专业旨在帮助学生为以下四种健康健身机构中的任何一种的入门级职位做好准备:商业, community, corporate or clinical. 完成ES专业可以作为一个垫脚石,为运动生理学/科学研究生教育做准备, cardiac rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports medicine, biomechanics or other allied health disciplines.

ES专业包括身体活动和相关的急性和慢性生理反应以及由此产生的适应的研究, 到健康健身企业管理原则发现在世界各地的设施. 强烈鼓励学生根据自己的兴趣选择商业或其他适当领域的辅修课程. Several field experience courses during the four-year program, 以及在ES专业结束时需要一个学期的实习经验, 让学生有机会在全国各地的网站上选择一个专业领域.

Academic Program Learning Outcomes

NDSU运动科学项目的学生参与教学和体验式学习. Students will gain knowledge in several areas, including anatomy, kinesiology, biomechanics, behavior modification, physiology of exercise, cardiovascular and resistance training, and exercise testing and assessment.


  • 正确确定和实施适当的心血管筛查和评估方案, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition analysis.
  • 确定和实施安全有效的锻炼计划,包括不同人群的健康相关健身的所有组成部分, but not limited to, those with cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal conditions.
  • 通过各种专业技能,包括有效的沟通和激励策略,优化锻炼的采用和坚持.
  • Complete comprehensive risk management, injury prevention, and emergency planning for health and fitness settings.

Career Options

The following list is not all-inclusive, 但它确定了四种健康健身环境中一些最常见的职业和工作机会. NDSU的运动科学毕业生(每年大约40到50人)在全国各地的这些不同的环境中工作, especially in metropolitan areas. In the past few years, 超过90%的运动科学专业学生在毕业时已经进入研究生院或已经安排了专业工作.

Commercial SettingThe greatest proportion of jobs can be found in for-profit, commercially run health-fitness facilities. 商业环境是为那些对健康健身服务和产品的营销和销售感兴趣的人准备的. 这也是一个广泛接触健康健身行业管理的好地方.

Community SettingMany organizations and agencies serve clients in community settings, including voluntary, not-for-profit entities, as well as public parks and recreation agencies, schools and universities, 酒店, country clubs and residential health-fitness developments. 许多以社区为基础的设施和项目提供健康健身项目,同时提供社交和娱乐活动.

Corporate Setting大型和小型企业的内部健身设施和服务正在迅速扩大. 这些设施的目标可能包括减少雇员缺勤, turnover rates and health care costs, while improving employee wellness, morale and enthusiasm in the workplace.

Clinical Setting每四所医院中就有一所设有以医院为基础的健身设施, 预计在未来十年内,每两家医院中就有一家会增长. 这些设施大多与门诊服务密切相关, such as physical therapy, sports medicine and cardiac rehabilitation, and frequently provide both types of programs in the same facility.

With an undergraduate degree and no experience, a starting salary averages $38,000 to $48,000 per year. 然而, 由于经验等因素,健身专业人员的起薪很难预测, geographic location, employment setting and market demand. It also may depend on licensure and certification. An advanced degree may pay more.

Pre-Exercise Science and Full Status Tracks

当学生申请新州立大学并宣布攻读科学专业时,就可以进入科学学院的运动前科学重点课程. The pre-exercise science emphasis encompasses the first three semesters; transfer students are placed in the pre-exercise science emphasis upon acceptance. 通过在大二第一学期结束时的申请或完成以下要求的转学生,可以进入完整的状态强调. 在开始完整的学习课程之前,必须满足以下要求:

  1. Successful completion of courses with a grade of B or better:
    1. BIOL 220/220 L
    2. CHEM 121/121L
    3. HNES 170
    4. MATH 103,104 or higher
  2. Minimum grade point average of 3.0
  3. Completion of application to full status

申请指南提供在类(HNES 170)和咨询会议, and are also available on the department website.

高 School Preparation

While in high school, 学生应该选择有扎实科学背景的课程, mathematics, business and communication. 个人对终生健身、个人健康和幸福的承诺非常重要. 在健康健身机构的志愿工作和参加当地的健康博览会可以为健康健身规划提供宝贵的经验.