  • Private Tutor
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Curriculum Developer
  • Education Policy Analyst
  • Literacy Specialist
  • Standardized Test Developer
  • Textbook Author
  • Higher Education Administration

For individuals who


Looking for

A broad degree focusing on leadership, administration, 课程开发和政策与能力,专注于你感兴趣的领域.

To become

  • Adult Literacy Coach
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Middle School Teacher
  • High School Teacher
  • Gifted and Talented Program Director

教师教育研究生课程致力于进一步发展致力于所有人的教育公平的教育领导者. 教师教育研究生课程与国家专业教学标准委员会(NBPTS)和州际教师评估和支持联盟(InTASC)保持一致,以反映乐虎集团研究和教育工作者内容开发的重要性. Programs offered in Teacher Education are designed for the practitioner. Students pursuing the M.Ed. will engage in action research as a component of the program. 鼓励学生与学术顾问密切合作,以确保个人和职业目标明确和可实现.

Curriculum and Instruction

The program focuses on further development of teacher leaders. The curriculum includes areas of human development, learning, foundations of education, school curriculum, assessment, and further study in areas of interest. Candidates choosing this option for an M.S. degree must also complete a thesis.

Agricultural Education

Graduate study in Agricultural Education leads to an M.Ed. or M.S. degrees. Advanced work may involve specialized training in vocational education, extension education, international extension, and agricultural education.

学位课程是合作计划的,以满足个别学生的需求. 鼓励考生提供与感兴趣的主题领域相关的支持性工作. 一些课程侧重于与农业教育各个阶段有关的问题, including secondary, post-secondary, adult, and extension programs. 其他人则强调农业和推广教育中所有服务领域的共同问题. 可以为候选人提供在农业综合企业实习的机会, natural resources education, 或者其他方面的农业和推广教育. Candidates should work closely with an adviser.

English Education

以内容为重点的教师教育硕士学位课程侧重于提高教学技能和内容专业知识. Candidates in these programs complete the four core pedagogical courses listed on the program of study and at least nine credits of master’s-level content coursework; the total program of study is typically 33-36 credits. 候选人与他们的研究生委员会和顾问一起确定适当的学习计划. This degree plan does not lead to teacher licensure, 如果想要获得执照,也鼓励考生和他们的顾问一起工作.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education

Students have the option of pursuing a Master of Education (M.Ed.) or Master of Sciences (M.S.) degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. Advanced work may be taken in FCSE, Career and Technical Education, Extension, and curriculum design and development.

History Education

以内容为重点的教师教育硕士学位课程侧重于提高教学技能和内容专业知识. Candidates in these programs complete the four core pedagogical courses listed on the program of study and at least nine credits of master’s-level content coursework; the total program of study is typically 33-36 credits. 候选人与他们的研究生委员会和顾问一起确定适当的学习计划. This degree plan does not lead to teacher licensure, 如果想要获得执照,也鼓励考生和他们的顾问一起工作.

Mathematics Education

以内容为重点的教师教育硕士学位课程侧重于提高教学技能和内容专业知识. Candidates in these programs complete the four core pedagogical courses listed on the program of study and at least nine credits of master’s-level content coursework; the total program of study is typically 33-36 credits. 候选人与他们的研究生委员会和顾问一起确定适当的学习计划. This degree plan does not lead to teacher licensure, 如果想要获得执照,候选人被鼓励与他们的顾问合作.

Music Education

The Master of Education (M.Ed.音乐教育学位是由教育学院和音乐系合作开设的双学位课程. 该计划旨在满足当前在职音乐教师以及希望在完成学士学位后继续接受硕士教育的学生的需求. It is possible to complete the M.Ed. degree in Music Education by attending three consecutive summer sessions, two years in residence during the academic year, or a combination of both. 学位课程的大部分课程在下午晚些时候或晚上提供. Applied study may be in the areas of vocal, instrumental, or conducting. 选修合唱专业的学生将学习声乐教育学和合唱文学概论. 选择器乐专业的学生将学习器乐教学法(木管乐器), brass, or percussion) and survey of band literature. No thesis is required; rather, 学生将完成2个3学分的实习经历:一个是教育,一个是音乐. 实习将由学生和他/她的导师共同商定和计划。.

Science Education

这个以内容为重点的教师教育硕士学位课程侧重于提高教学技能和内容专业知识. Candidates in these programs complete the four core pedagogical courses listed on the program of study and at least nine credits of master’s-level content coursework; the total program of study is typically 33-36 credits. 候选人与他们的研究生委员会和顾问一起确定适当的学习计划. This degree plan does not lead to teacher licensure, 如果想要获得执照,也鼓励考生和他们的顾问一起工作.

Social Science Education

这个以内容为重点的教师教育硕士学位课程侧重于提高教学技能和内容专业知识. Candidates in these programs complete the four core pedagogical courses listed on the program of study and at least nine credits of master’s-level content coursework; the total program of study is typically 33-36 credits. 候选人与他们的研究生委员会和顾问一起确定适当的学习计划. This degree plan does not lead to teacher licensure, 如果想要获得执照,也鼓励考生和他们的顾问一起工作.

Whole Child Approaches

The Master’s degree in Education with an option in Whole Child Approaches integrates education, human development, 健康领域培养以学生为中心的整体学习方法. 该计划为中小学教育工作者做好准备,让家庭和社区参与创造积极健康的学校氛围,促进学生的健康和学业成就. Graduates will be prepared to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model to advance K-12 students’ social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development through evidence-based practices.

Teacher Licensure

教师执照选项允许具有可教专业学位的候选人完成专业教育课程以获得教师执照. 该计划与北达科他州(ND)的教师执照选项一致,但可以很好地转移到其他州. 额外的内容课程作业可能需要满足执照要求,并将在进入该计划时进行评估. Praxis核心学术技能考试是该项目的全部入学要求. 联系教师教育项目的成绩单评估,以确定学习计划.

教师执照课程由教育者准备认证委员会(CAEP)认证,并由ND教育标准和实践委员会批准. Changes in national and state legislation, standards, or rules can affect academic program requirements.

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